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Passing Rate for NZREX

Passing rates for candidates appearing for the NZREX from July 2012 - June 2013

Out of the 117 candidates attempting the exam for the 1st time, 69 make it through on the 1st attempt. That is a 59% passing rate! (Assuming I did the calculations correctly).

Passing Rate for candidates appearing for the NZREX from 1 July 2010–30 June 2011

As you can see, around 78 candidates took the exam for the first time. Out of these, 47 candidates managed to pass on their first attempt. That is a 60% pass rate for new candidates :)


  1. So people with second attempt have a higher chance of passing?? hehe

  2. If a program has ranked you high observership letter enough that you would have automatically matched there had your statement been true.
